The 都会社区学院s Athletic Department is working to provide an intramural 作为银河app苹果版的学生. 我们正在努力塑造这个项目 individual and team sports activities that will allow each student of the Metropolitan 社区 Colleges to be active, social, and to have fun with other 银河app苹果版 students through 休闲游戏.
Our Intramural program encourages all students to participate in organized activities 无论技能水平如何. Activities may range from an Open Play format, a Single 游戏格式,锦标赛格式或联赛. 世纪挑战公司会提供校内课程 the campuses to help bridge the district and students while enjoying fun activities.
Just because you attend class at one campus does not mean you can't participate in 另一个校园的活动. 最终,我们会为你而来!
Anyone who is a current 银河app苹果版 student enrolled in classes in the Metropolitan 社区 Colleges at one of the Kansas City Metro locations can participate in 校内的.
- 保持活跃
- Meet new people from your campus and maybe from another 银河app苹果版 campus
- 从学习中放松
- 学习如何玩一种新的游戏或运动
- 做一项你喜欢的运动或游戏
- 玩得开心!
- All waivers/registrations must be completed, signed and submitted to 银河app苹果版's Intramural office either in person or scanned (front and back) and emailed to the intramural 办公室注册事件.
- 免责声明将在活动现场提供. 年龄要求仍然适用. A waiver may be turned in at the event as long as it is signed by the participant (18岁或以上). If the participant is under 18, the waiver must be signed 在参加前由父母或法定监护人告知.
- If a waiver is not signed that individual will not be permitted to participate.
- Any interested students may call to express interest or ask any questions regarding 任何事件.
- 银河app苹果版和领导办公室 在每个校区都可以回答问题.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process, waiver requirements, or anything else associated with 校内的 and their services, please contact Darren Muckey在816.604.2410.
- Games will be played in 3 on 3 half-court or 5 on 5 full-court formats.
- Teams can be composed of male, female or coed unless 另有规定外.
- 罚自己的犯规.
- 比赛打到11分或21分.
- Tournament brackets may be used depending on a number of teams signed up.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 单打或双打比赛.
- Players take turns throwing 4 beanbags per turn at a cornhole board located 27 feet 走了.
- Bag landing and staying on the board counts as 1 point, bag going through the hole counts as 3 points, bags ending off the board count as 0 points.
- The team scoring the most points in the round gets the points differential as the 这一轮得分. (Example: If the red team scores 6 points in the round and the blue team scores 8 points in the round, the blue team will receive 2 points for the 轮).
- Points scored per round will be added until one team reaches 21 points. 在这一点上 那个队将被宣布为获胜者.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 看看什么是玉米洞的视频
- 每队必须由至少6名队员组成.
- 一般来说,比赛将以男女同校的形式进行.
- Open play and tournament formats will be used depending on the number of registrants.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- Games will be played on CPU, PlayStation 4 or X-Box, depending on what system is available.
- Games played will include sports 游戏, fighting 游戏 and, first person shooting 游戏.
- Games may be played in a single competition or a team competition that will consist 一系列的个人对抗赛.
- 报名人数将决定报名形式.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 比赛将在室外划定的场地上进行.
- 每队至少由5名队员组成.
- Teams may consist of 男性和/或女性,除非另有说明.
- Games will be played with (2) 20-minute halves and five-minute halftime.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 比赛将在室内有标识的场地进行.
- 团队将由5v5组成.
- Games will consist of (2) 20-minute halves and a five-minute halftime.
- 无滑铲.
- 没有守门员.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- Games will be played outdoors on a marked field or indoors where space allows.
- Teams consist of a minimum of 7 players with any male and/or female combinations unless 另有规定外.
- 比赛将按照标准踢球规则进行.
- 比赛将有5局或50分钟的限制.
- Participation levels will determine whether we play open play or tournament format.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- Games will be played in singles or doubles format consisting of male or female.
- 游戏将按11或21进行(以2胜).
- Pickleball is a fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and Ping-Pong that's played indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court and a slightly modified 网球网.
- 用桨和带洞的塑料球玩.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 看一段如何打匹克球的视频
- 观看一段关于如何记分的短片
- 比赛将在室外划定的场地上进行.
- 团队将由7v7组成
- 一般足球规则.
- Games will have (2) 20-minute halves and a five-minute halftime
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 比赛将在标准乒乓球桌上进行.
- Games will be played in a single or pairs format consisting of any combination of 男性和/或女性,除非另有说明.
- Games will be played to 11 or 21 points (win by 2) using standard Ping Pong scoring 规则.
- Games will be played in open play or tournament formats.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 比赛在两队之间进行,每队5-7人.
- Played on either a marked field outdoors or on a basketball court inside.
- The object is to score by moving the football or frisbee down the field/court into 指定的终点区域,只能绕过.
- 禁止带球或盘带跑. 当球或飞盘被接住时,玩家必须 stop and wait for teammates to go downfield to get open to throw to.
- 没有会议,没有比赛.
- The opposing team defends against the catch by knocking 这条通道 down or intercepting 这条通道. 在这一点上,他们成为了进攻方. 没有解决.
- 比赛按指定的分数进行.e., 15 or 21.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.
- 点击查看短视频
- 游戏将以4v4或6v6格式进行.
- Games will be played to 15 or 25 in a rally scoring format win by 2 (Meaning a point will be scored on every serve) or a 50-minute time limit.
- Participation will dictate whether they play open play or tournament format.
- Teams will consist of any combination of male or female unless 另有规定外.
- 所有选手必须是银河app苹果版的在校生.